Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Filipina Lady- What's Her Style

A typical Filipina lady is concerned for her future, therefore she will not make reckless decisions where this is concerned. She grew up and was reared differently from the women in your country, and it would be to your advantage if you try to dig deeper and understand her culture.

If you are serious about your Filipina girlfriend and is considering her as a prospective bride, she would naturally want to know more about you, your background and what makes you tick just as you want to get to know her. Be prepared to answer questions about you, like your education, family, food tastes, what you expect in a wife, and everything because she feels this is important to gauge whether you and she will fit together.

Do not be alarmed (that is if you have nothing to hide). She will not put you through a lie detector test or make you sit on a hot seat to be grilled but she just wants to satisfy her curiosity and fill in the blanks about you. Remember again that when a Filipina decides to love you, she considers it a lifetime commitment so she needs to take things seriously before she takes the plunge.

She will want to know if you are willing to accept her whole family as your own, and if you prepared to provide financial assistance if they need it. If you have pre-conceived notions that Filipina brides are submissive and would obediently bow to your wishes even if it is against what they feel, then think again.

Filipina ladies are not the "yes-yes-dear" types although they will not argue with you on issues but take note that she has her sophisticated but subtle ways of getting you to do what they want.

She will not confront you especially when there are other people nearby but if you do that to her, expect yourself to be on the receiving end of her withdrawn or sullen mood.

Although Filipina females in general are all loving, sweet and warm beings, they come from different walks of life and naturally differs from each other. There are Filipinas who come from rich families who were born with plenty of privileges others do not have. There are widowed or separated, working Filipinas, students, and the ones who come from destitute families.

A traditional Filipina maiden is shy and secretive about her real feelings for a suitor and would deny it even if she is really in love with him. Society frowns upon a woman who immediately admits her true feelings and it makes her feel like an easy target or a cheap woman.

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